climate-neutral buildings
The sdp building module supports the economic reduction of CO2 emissions and the climate neutrality of buildings, housing stocks and neighbourhoods. It collects and visualizes key data on efficiency, energy consumption, heating costs and climate protection. Motto is: “learning from the best”.

The module brings together metering, planning, monitoring, controlling and decision tools for economic target achievement for climate neutral NZEB. For example, data warehouse queries support strategy development with comparative graphics.
The participants of the module share and develop tools for improved design, execution and and control of maximally economical climate-neutral buildings. Goal is the common production of minimum viable products (MVPs) to support the rollout of emipirically proven climate neutral buildings and business models for metering and sustainability service companies.
The rapid prototyping process starts with the migration of existing data into the data warehouse and the harmonisation of international standards and rules of semantization. To translate the needs for a climate neutral housing stock to decision makers KPIs and key-visuals are developed for datawarehouse queries.

Collaborative further development of proven monitoring standards
Since 1997 the German state government of North Rhine-Westphalia and the EnergyAgency.NRW launched programs for the construction of “50 solar energy housing estates” and “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates”. The programs have set CO2 target values for residential buildings for new construction as well as for renovation. The long term evaluation of participating buildings allows improved action and KPI-development based on feedback from the monitored NZEB.
In 2015, the Reference-Controlling-Building (ReConGeb) project approach was developed to support cost-effective NZEB . In the long-term project, monitoring routines for energy-saving systems and buildings introduced since 2006 have been further developed into a cybernetic observer approach with minimal monitoring effort.
Since 2019 the sdp climate-neutral-building methodology is developed for the prototypical programming of the sdp-code, which is to be further developed in international cooperation.
Sorry, most papers are currently available in German. We hurry up! But please feel free to contact us for questions and proofs.