Building tools for low energy costs and climate action
The sdp participants build tools on the open platform to offer their target groups advantages on the path to evidence-based climate neutrality. In addition to non-profit tools, for-profit modules enable companies to combine economic success and climate protection.

The WP-Cockpit (Heat Pump Check) is a free tool for monitoring the operation of heat pumps with an optional paid set for automatically collecting the required meter data.
Tools for climate-neutral citizens and communities
In order to implement municipal GHG reduction pathways in a Paris-compliant manner and with rapid initial progress, a transparent exchange must take place to learn from the best, avoid mistakes and design living spaces in a participatory way (see CO2COMPASS Program).
sdp modules aim to provide comprehensible information and offers to strengthen citizens and climate protection activists. The sdp wants to link local actors in order to implement evidence based municipal climate action at European level.